Technical Advice
Ken heads a small team that are able to provide technical advice, consultancy, and staff training in a variety of activities to meet the statutory requirements of the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority.
Ken can also provide advice for activities or environments that don''t fall within the scope of the AALA licensing scheme.
You may not fall under the statutory requirements of AALA, but wish to operate within the current best accepted standards of practice.
Services covered include but are not exclusive to:-
- Simple advice.
- Risk assessment / management checking or writing.
- Development of operating procedures.
- Development and management of in house training or accreditation schemes.
- Development of emergency procedures.
- Equipment choice and checking.
- Staff training / approval.
- Issuing of statements of competence.
- Incident and near miss analysis and reporting.
Ken’s experience extends over 30 years. Initially being responsible for health and safety in a factory setting before
moving on to study risk at degree level level and managing an outdoor centre. Ken is IT qualified and can integrate with your own systems or help develop them.
Since those beginnings he has provided technical advice to:-
- His own mountaineering, climbing and kayaking companies.
- His own bicycle shop.
- Several major councils.
- Outdoor centres.
- Schools.
- Trekking companies.
- Duke of Edinburgh Award providers and groups.
- Scout training centres.
- Sole traders.
- Charities.
- Outdoor activity clubs.
- Environmental education providers.
- Challenge education providers.
Activities Ken is recognised to advise on by AALA.
- All UK mountaineering and climbing including gorge walking, canyoning etc.
- Sea kayaking all levels.
- White Water kayaking all levels.
- Open Canoeing foundation level.
- Mountain Biking.
Activities Ken's business can provide advice on recognised by AALA.
- Horse riding.
- Open Canoeing advanced levels.
- Sailing and Power Boating.
Other activities that don’t fall under the AALA scheme but can be advised on.
- International trekking.
- Educational visits.
- Ropes courses.
- General activities and visits.
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Sea Kayak Scotland
Isle of Seil
Oban PA34 4RJ
Call us on:
07771 918 431
01852 300 770
email us at:
Or you can use our contact form.
Winter courses with super warm drysuits and paddle gloves.
Club Coaching Weekends.
Your own symposium.